Buy, sell, and share databases

Data is the world's most valuable resource.
Now you can trade data on our
revolutionary marketplace.

The Best Place to Buy and Sell Datasets

Your data set is listed

Shop and Buy Datasets

Your dataset is then listed on the Data & Sons market. Buyers can easily find your dataset and buy it in one click.

Sell your data

Sell Datasets

Once your dataset sells, we transfer your money to you instantly. Best of all, you can sell your dataset multiple times to any interested buyer.

The World’s First Open Dataset Marketplace

We’re democratizing the exchange of data by enabling everyone to buy, sell, and share data.


At Data & Sons believe all people are entitled to their privacy and respect individual rights to protect personal information. We pledge not to allow the sale of personal information on our data marketplace. We safeguard personal privacy by reviewing all data before it is listed for sale on Data & Sons.
